Reviewer guidelines

(Please note that we are following the reviewer guidelines of ICLR 2020. Consult the ICLR reviewer guide for additional details and tips.)

To make this concise, we are providing three main guidelines to keep in mind when reviewing. 

  1. Answer three key questions for yourself, to make a decision to Accept or Reject:

    1. What is the specific question/problem tackled by the paper?

    2. Is the approach well motivated, including being well-placed in the literature?

    3. Does the paper support the claims? This includes determining if results, whether theoretical or empirical, are correct and if they are scientifically rigorous.

  2. Organize your review as follows: 

    1. Summarize what the paper claims to do/contribute. Be positive and generous.

    2. Clearly state your decision (accept or reject) with one or two key reasons for this choice.

    3. Provide supporting arguments for the reasons for the decision.

    4. Provide additional feedback with the aim to improve the paper. Make it clear that these points are here to help, and not necessarily part of your decision assessment.

  3. Ask questions you would like answered by the authors that help you clarify your understanding of the paper and provides the additional evidence you need to make be confident in your assessment.